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Why do enterprises need to do environmental management system ISO14001 certification



1. The ISO14000 series standards are environmental management system standards established by the International Organization for Standardization. They address the increasingly severe global environmental pollution and ecological destruction, as well as major environmental issues such as ozone layer depletion, global warming, and the disappearance of biodiversity, which threaten human survival and development in the future. These standards are formulated in response to international environmental protection developments and according to the needs of international economic and trade development.


ISO14000 is the second management series standard introduced by ISO providing users (enterprises, institutions, government) with a comprehensive basis for environmental management that encompasses systems such as quality management and stipulates the common language and criteria requirements for environmental management.


ISO14000 is a series of environmental management standards with 100 standard numbers. Since 1996, ISO has officially promulgated six standards, which are:

ISO14001 Environmental management system-specifications and guidelines for use

ISO14004 General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting technologies for environmental management systems

ISO14010-Environmental audit guidelines-general guidelines

ISO14011-Environmental management audit-audit procedure-environmental management system audit

ISO14012 Environmental Management Audit Guide-Qualification requirements for environmental management auditors

ISO14040 Life cycle assessment-principles and framework

The ISO14001 environmental management system standard: includes the identification of environmental factors, evaluation and control of important environmental factors, identification, acquisition and compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations, the formulation and implementation of environmental policies and objectives, in order to achieve pollution prevention, energy conservation and consumption reduction, improve resource utilization, and ultimately achieve continuous improvement of environmental performance.

ISO14001 certification is applicable to any organization with one of the following wishes:

a) Establish, implement, maintain and improve the environmental management system;

b) To be convinced that they are in compliance with the environmental policy declared;

c) Show compliance with this standard by the following means;

1) Self-evaluation and self-declaration;

2) Seek confirmation of its compliance from relevant parties of the organization (such as customers);

3) Seeking external confirmation of its self-declaration;

4) Seek external organization certification/registration for its environmental management.

ISO/DIS22000:2017 has been released. What are the changes compared to the old version?

The ISO/DIS22000 has adopted the HSL advanced structure, which can be better integrated with ISO9001. In addition, the following clauses have been added:

4.1 Understand the organization and its environment

4.2 Understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders

6.1 Measures to deal with risks and opportunities

7.1.5 Control of elements of external development of food safety management system

7.1.6 Control over external provision of processes, products and services

8.4.2 Handling of emergencies and accidents

9 Performance evaluation of food safety management system

9.1.1 General provisions

10.1 Nonconformities and corrective actions


2. Main changes in the standard

1. It is a good representation of the PDCA cycle

Understanding PDCA at two levels: one is the PDCA of the system, which includes system planning, system operation, system inspection, and system improvement. The "system" itself is an object that needs to be managed, managing a "system" is more complex than managing a "process." It is necessary to recognize the role of the system (understanding by all employees), provide a clear positioning for the system (requiring leadership guidance), reasonably plan according to the internal and external environment of the company (tailoring measures), require strong leadership involvement (actual participation in all aspects of PDCA), require reasonable planning and effective execution of elements (process management and personnel capabilities), and require evaluation of process and system performance (data analysis) and continuous improvement. Regardless of what system it is, we often say that the system is important, but its effectiveness is difficult to demonstrate. From the new ISO9001 revisions, we can see the considerations made by standard setters on how to improve system effectiveness, which is commendable. However, from a practical perspective, managing a "system" is not easy and is a long and arduous journey. At this moment, I am reminded of a quote by Mr.Hu Shi: talk more about issues, less about doctrines. In the process of promoting system improvement, should we also focus more on processes and less on systems?

Another level is the PDCA for hazard control, primarily reflected in Chapter Eight. The new version of hazard control largely retains the preventive control philosophy of the old version, with the core still being the basic combination of prerequisite plans + hazard control measures (HACCP plan/OPRP plan). However, after adjusting the clauses, the new version separates the confirmation of measures and the validation of the system from the old version, placing the confirmation of control measures at the front and the effectiveness verification after implementation, making the overall logic clearer (confirmation and validation are two different concepts, one before the other). This better distinguishes the PDCA for hazard control from the PDCA for the system (a larger loop enclosing a smaller loop).

. It reflects the risk management thinking very well

The new version of the standard retains the ISO9001s risk-based thinking and divides risks into two levels: one is organizational level risk management, and the other is food safety hazard control.

1) Organizational risk management is actually a direction that all future management systems must consider, risks are specifically manifested as incorrect strategic choices, missing development opportunities; unreasonable organizational structure design, bloated institutions, low efficiency; insufficient resource allocation; failure to consider stakeholders requirements leading to loose cooperation; mismatched personnel capabilities; unreasonable system design; incorrect choice of management tools; inadequate consideration of regulations leading to violations, etc., summarized as systemic risks (operational risks) and process risks (at the departmental function level). The tools selected to manage these risks are multifaceted.

2) Food safety hazard control

And food safety hazards refer to the biological chemical and physical hazards that cause food safety issues the risk is characterized by a comprehensive consideration of the probability of occurrence and potential consequences. Controlling this level of risk is the primary task of the food safety management system and risk management generally follows the HACCP principle (Chapter 8).

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